Emsa Register Dll Tool - Multipurpose DLL Information & Registration ToolWindows Utility Operating Systems supported: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 |
This product has been discontinued and is no longer available.
Installation Notes:
Product Information:

We made this program because we could not find other good tools of this type. Also, our program has far better results at registering dll files regardless of their location. Consequently, it is an invaluable tool that even us, as developers, also use on a daily basis.
In many cases, registering dll files can be a problem, especially on newer Windows systems like Win7, Win8.1 and Win10. Various errors might occur when attempting to register dll's. This is a problem we encounter daily. However, our tool is able to register the dll in most cases. For example, we recently used it to register the dll file VB6IDEMouseWheelAddin which is an addin for Microsoft VB6, and registration went flawless while other attempts did not work.
Windows 10 - Important: You need to always run this program as an administrator in order to function properly. Look at the bottom of this page, in the "Windows 10 setting" section for instructions.
Note: There are two types of DLL's, some that require registration (ActiveX dlls) and others that don't (standard dlls). If you don't know which type of dll you are dealing with, it's quite simple. Just download our program and browse to the dll file to see the dll information. If there a "Typelib" section with information, then this is an ActiveX dll which needs registering.
This program provides extensive information about system files and other binary files, like exe, dll, and ocx files. It also provides ActiveX information for ActiveX components like .ocx files and ActiveX exe or ActiveX dll files. Using this tool, you may register/unregister ActiveX dll/ocx/exe files, and you may also compare two ActiveX files having identical filenames.
This program also provides a very handy function, which can be used to easily register and unregister ActiveX files - Shell extensions. If shell extensions are enabled (look for it in the Options and Help tab), user may right click on any dll or ocx file and select an option from the context menu (register/unregister) to perform the corresponding action.
Another neat feature of the same Shell extensions capability, is the ability to generate an ActiveX report on a folder. To do this, first of all make sure that Shell extensions are enabled within the program, then close it (Shell extensions do work even if the program is closed). Then, you may select a folder at any time, right click on it and from the drop down menu select ActiveX Report. This will scan the folder for ActiveX files, and a text file (output.txt) containing the report will be generated in the same folder, and it will also be opened automatically for viewing.
We believe this tool can be useful for anyone looking to get extended file informations and dll/ocx registration capabilities.
Windows 10 setting
This product works just fine on Windows 10, but you have to do the additional settings below (run as an administrator). ( On Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 this is recommended but not mandatory ):
Here is how to set it to run as an administrator (for all users on your PC):
- 1. Go to program installation folder, usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Emsa DLL Register Tool
- 2. Right-click on RegTool.exe and select Properties
- 3. Go to "Compatibility" Tab, then click on "Change settings for all users"
- 4. Check "Run this program as an administrator", click Apply and OK, then OK again.
- 5. Close and restart the program.
If the program does not work (e.g. does not register dlls), please make the compatibility settings in the "Windows 10 setting" above. This should normally fix any issues.
This program is provided as an installer executable. To install, follow the wizard instructions carefully. To uninstall, use the Add/Remove programs feature in Control Panel.
If you have suggestions, bugs spotted, requests for new features, please email us. Thanks!
System requirements
Any usual Windows machine with one mbyte of disk space will do. 800x600 min screen resolution.
License Information
Please read the license.txt file for licensing information.
Emsa Register Dll Tool: Multipurpose DLL Information & Registration Tool: Windows Utility